Meet the Diocese of Fort Worth

Who We Are

Word, Sacrament, & Prayer

Anglicans are a part of the Christian tradition that traces its origins back over 2000 years to the original disciples of Jesus Christ. Anglicans comprise the third largest body of Christians in the world, with the Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox.

Books of Common Prayer - Anglican Diocese of Fort Worth


Unlike many other traditions, Anglicans consider diversity a source of strength and richness in the Church. Depending on the particular congregation with which you worship, you may experience different hymn and musical styles, different styles of preaching, and more.

We find unity in our traditions, including the use of our liturgy as found in the Book of Common Prayer.

Dating back to 1549 and Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, the original Book of Common Prayer (BCP) was meant to harmonize the classical liturgy of the Universal Church dating back to St. Justin Martyr with the revitalized interest in Biblical authority that came with the European and English Reformations.

While various prayer books have been produced over the years and linguistic styles have often been updated, the core method of worship has remained the same for centuries.

2900 Alemeda St. Fort Worth, TX 76108
(817) 244-2885